I take Disc 1 and put it in my iMac, turn it on, and hold the C key. toast files of those 3 CDs from here, converted them to ISOs through my Mac Mini 2011, moved those to my Windows machine, and burned them to some discs. Then I remembered that Panther came on CDs, and I have a bunch of those! My plan was to get a blank DVD-R and clone the disc to an ISO, verify the ISO against another ISO that I have of Tiger, then clone the Tiger disc to my blank DVD. I can 'boot' from it, but it gets stuck at the spinny circle for more than 2 days. I have not been able to boot it to the install screen since.
I clicked proceed with install, and it made it to 87% copying files until it failed. However, the check disc function failed at 10%. Next day, I wake up and see that it says something about an error during copying files and recommends a restart. I removed the Leopard install that was on there and began installing Tiger, and went to bed (it was late).
They did, put it on eBay, and I bought the disc.) The disc looked scratched, but it booted fine the first time. It was made when someone on eBay updated their Macs to 10.4 and it asked if they wanted to make a copy of the installation.
It had some booting problems (booted to light blue screen and never went past it, left it for 2 days), so I bought an OS X 10.4 Tiger disc (NON Apple official.